
Showing posts from October, 2012


IROKOISM “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come”- Jean Jacques Rousseau. Irokoism, an emergent progressive political ideology that is derived from the vision, mission, governance posture and policy direction of Dr Olusegun Mimiko is no doubt matured to come to the fore of intellectual discourse. Irokoism, properly situated is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring social, political, and economic reform. A broader picture of Irokoism will essentially evince it as a political ideology that advocates or favours social, political and economic reforms or changes and which also represents a commitment to the rule of law, with governance of the people, by the people and for the people as the means to the greatest good of the greatest number. The emergent Irokoism just like Awoism, Marxism, Nkrumaism e.t.c is a set of ideas that constitutes the goals, expectations, and actions that Dr Olusegun Mimiko and the believers in his political brand consid

Mimiko deserves second term

MIMIKO DESERVES SECOND TERM With less than one week to the Ondo State Governorship elections, it is important to restate my convictions that Dr Olusegun Mimiko deserves a second term. Beginning with Dr. Mimiko’s moral footings and pleasant candor which continually provided a sound footing to demonstrate his good governance capabilities; his medical degree (which was not obtained from Chicago) launched him first and foremost to the cadre of a manager of men and resources with a successful private medical practice from where the desire to further serve humanity propelled him to join partisan politics. Since he has been occupying public office, his outstanding records has ever remained luminous, inspiring, and transparent compared to his peers in the Nigerian political firmament. In three and a half years as Governor of Ondo State, Dr Mimiko has concretely bridged the disconnect between government and the citizenry in all spheres of human affairs with a plethora of people centered, hom

Mimiko: Vox Populi!

Mimiko: Vox Populi! The much awaited Ondo gubernatorial election has come and gone. No election has gathered so much public attention, in recent times, as the October 20, 2012 poll in Ondo State. Governor Mimiko fought the political battle of his life just to prove a point to the unprecedented fierce opposition that the bond of citizens and the government is eternally glued by good governance and God’s favour. On the other hand, Action Congress of Nigeria, pretended to be a serious contender for the Alagbaka job to further its phantom integration of the region under the Asiwaju of Lagos. In a similar vein, the PDP stopped at nothing to register its presence in this politically dynamic State, where it once held sway. At the end of the elections, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, the great Iroko and 'Ota ibayomi Olorun ni o je' of Nigeria Politics recorded an impressive landslide victory in an election which Nigerians and observers had adjudged the most credible in the annals of Nigeria. ACN


Introduction In contemporary Nigeria, government has ultimately become inseparable from the day to day life of the citizens. This is because government is now involved in the overall social and economic development as against its traditional role of mere maintaining law and order. To accomplish the above, government requires a bureaucratic system that is designed to implement the decisions of political leaders. Political leaders make policy, the public bureaucracy executes it. If the bureaucracy lacks the capacity to implement the policies of the political leadership, those policies, however well intentioned, will not be implemented effectively. Thus, this paper is concerned with the Nigerian bureaucratic set up as evinced in the Public Service with emphasis on the working relationship between career Accounting/Financial officers and the influences of  political office holders. The paper investigates the linkage between Public and Civil Service on the one hand, and the co-operational

Insights into Public Policy Analysis

Introduction Public policy analysis is the monitoring of different government agendas that directly affect a specific community. The kinds of topics examined can vary from the impact of infrastructure on a city to smoking laws. The idea behind public policy analysis is to provide the government with facts and statistics about the extent to which such initiatives are working. Legislators who seek to pass specific laws and government officials who work toward their application may be particularly interested in public policy analysis. This is often because, when social problems arise, it is up to such policy makers to find proper solutions. Vandalism, poor student performance in schools, high crime rates, environmental problems, and traffic collisions are some of the many examples of problems that are often addressed in this way. To determine which policies are not meeting goals, a public policy analysis goes through several steps. Policy analysts usually begin by collecting evidence

MNC/TNC: Curse to Developing Countries?

Multinational Companies: A Curse to Developing Countries? In this twenty-first century, multinational companies have become the central institutions of developing nations. The government of a country should be concerned about food security, industrial production and other commodities that the country needs for its citizens. These concerns encourage developing nations to implement transnational corporation to fulfill their necessities. Globalization connects people from all over the world, specifically, through advance in technology and transportation. Removal of trade barriers encourages multinational companies to start new branches in developing nations. Although multinational companies have become ubiquitous in the developing world, there has always been an uncertainty about them, in both positive and negative ways. Some people think that globalization plays a major role in the progress of developing nations because of the presence of these companies. Definitely, they are not

Insights to Administrative Law

Administrative Law Introduction Administrative law or the law of public administration is a subject with vast ramifications. Different scholars have defined it as it appears to them and this has greatly restricted the emergence of a universally acceptable definition.  A broad view of the subject matter depicts it as the law relating to the organisation, composition, functions and procedures of public authorities and the legal retrains to which they are subject.  It includes the whole of the law about local authorities and the services they provide, as well as matters of general principles.   What is Law Much energy has been dissipated in an attempt to answer the question: What is law?  Generally speaking, the concept law may mean different things to different people.  The Chemist, Geographer, Economist or Physicist will definitely have different ideas of what law is. The word “law” can be used in either a general or technical sense.  For instance, we can talk of the law of a part