
Showing posts from April, 2017

Politics and Law in Africa

POS 407:       Politics and Law in Africa                                              3 units COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is a comparative examination of the inter-relationships between law and politics in different African countries by studying the political significance of the judicial process during colonial and independence periods. It deals with the concept of law, what it is, how law arises and how it becomes institutionalized. Also it understudied the judicial process, specifically the systems of criminal justice, which translates the abstract concerns of law into concrete institutions and policy. TOPICS 1.       (a) The meaning and linkage of Law and Politics. -          Definition of Law and Politics -          An operational definition for Law in the context of POS 407 -          The nature of Law               2.       Was there Law in pre-colonial Africa ? -          Characteristics of African Traditional Law -          Politics of received forei

Governance and administration of Urban Systems

PAD 305 – Government and Administration of Urban Systems Course Outline The course examines the role of government in the administration of policies affecting the urban centers with particular reference to Nigeria nay Africa (this will not expressly shut out references from the Western World). Issues to be discussed include urban population problems; policy formation and implementation process, environmental control; social facilities such as housing, education, healthcare, safe water supply and welfare; policy performance and accountability; and relationship between urban government and other units of government will also be examined. We shall also examine the inadequate delivery of social services by city governments in Nigeria. In general, defining an urban area within a universal purview is a huge challenge due to a multiplicity of factors. Also, the governance and administration of areas designated as Urban in some polities suffer problems which ranges from lack of transparen

Theory and Practice of Marxism

         Karl Marx (1818-1883) THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARXISM (POS 309) Course Outline Marxism is unquestionably one of the most prominent philosophies of recent centuries.  It is also probably the philosophy about which everybody has an opinion.  Unfortunately, consensus on the meaning and/or value of Marxism has always been infrequent.  This divergence may stem from an irreconcilation of Marxism and the sort of doctrinal posturing typically sought-after in political theory.  But it is also surely due in part to the fact that many interpretations and applications of Marxism owe little if anything to Marx’s actual writings. In this class, we will examine some of the central texts of the history of Marxism, including those of Marx and Engels and those of some of their varied interpreters, to get a handle on Marxism as a theory and a practice.    We will be reading Marx primarily as a philosopher – though a philosopher with interest in